K1N Navassa - first Team picture on the Island
Few days ago I`ve asked my kids to call me .... Navassa next few day.
Most Wanted number 1 (from some sources) DXCC
Little Island located between Jamaica and Haiti. So close but so far.
Thanks to
K1N and their hard job to get permission to put Navassa on the air. All infos
are on their website.
For me personal it will be DXCC number 307 worked on HF.
And it is !!!
Here is little video when K1N is working
PB9FN and SP2FAX on 20M
Great signal that moment.
By the time I am writing this entry on my blog Navassa is sorted in my log.
Managed few QSOs from my QTH and few QSOs from EI0PL QTH.
Slept just 1h in 38h ... but it was worth it!
And also great thrill to break US pile-up! Yes I managed this few times.
Great fun was on 17M CW at 22:00 local even operator on the
other side was surprised ;)
Hardest QSO so far was on 12M CW where I`ve spent 3h on 20kHz wide split.
Real pleasure was to go in the middle of heavy EU pile-up on 80M or 40M and break it!
Another video here when EI0PL is working K1N Navassa on 40M CW
This time our great advantage in EI is our location! We are on the first line in EU to work them.
And this is great. I remember last DX-peditions (Tromelin for example) when EI on the end of Europe had to beat whole continent.
Navassa Island - Google Earth screen.
Some people are saying that next Navassa will be not earlier than in 10 years time. Well will see.
I will not comment also operating techniques from K1N.
Such a big demand for Navassa all over the World.
I wish JA stations Good Luck! They have the hardest way to contact them,