Job done! 8 bands QSOs sorted! 2 days waiting for good opening and operation on 12m and now sorted. They started here on CW and pile-up was up 15! Massive signal 599 real here. Then operator was asking for SA only. It means South America only .... no one willing to listen .... he went QRT .... because other bands are busy with LZ Contesting I`ve decided to stay on their SSB frequency on 24.940 Mhz and it was good idea! Fred PY2XB was at the microphone and he started calling CQ ... on 24.940. First two contact he did in simplex then he asked up and I was first station calling him up5! It was before any spot on DX-Cluster. Nice easy QSO last missing band completed! 8 in total! Great thrill. I was asking few other friends from SP - land how they are doing with PT0S and to be honest a lot of them cannot make ONE QSO! Signals are weak and you need to be really BIG Gun to manage it plus a bit of luck as well. Here in EI this was easy! Nice change to have advantage over the usual EU countries with a rare one!
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