316 x 305
Band slots (CFM) on Clublog x LoTW
2306 x 2226

Thursday 23 May 2013

QSO to remember ...

(Mike VE2WDM - picture from

I am not very active on the radio at the moment. Day is longer and many things to do. Late in the evening I like to sit down in my "shack" and see what condition is on the bands. To work some DX or reply to someone`s else CQ or maybe to call CQ CQ and wait for station who will give you reply. Last night I had QSO with GT4FOC Special Event Station from Isle of Man. Unique call-sign (GT) and also ... friendly location. Look for MD/EI9KC in July this year (more info later). Logged also Sergio from Panama operating as HP1/IQ6CC on 15mCW , P40A John from Aruba on 17mCW with a chances for QSL on LoTW, had nice chat with one of the fastest CW operators I know SP3CW Artur, currently operated as DL/SP3CW and did some CQ on 40 and 20m CW of course. No one wants noises in the middle of the night from SSB mode ;) That is why I like CW, quiet, quiet to transmit! When I was calling CQ on 20m last night I had two QSOs with USA and on the end Canada replied to my call. It was VE2WDM Mike from Ontario Province. 559 his signal was in my location. I had no problems to copy his signal. QSO was short. Shortly after QSO, I`ve decided to turn-off the radio and go QRT when e-mail from Mike arrived with thanks for QSO. Nice surprise. Mike has a blog here and he did a note about our QSO as well. He was QRP 5W and with attic antenna! I had about 80W and my delta was just 3m  above the ground pointed into North America. This is power of Morse Code.

1 comment:

  1. Good evening Ark, I was doing the same I just flipped the radio on to see how the bands were doing. The propagation has not been stellar but I was wanting to see how things were as I want to get some time in on the CQ WPX contest this weekend. Great that I came across you on the bands. Oh and as a side note the call is VE3WDM.
    Have a great weekend and I will be adding your blog to my blog roll on the weekend.
    Oh and very nice blog as well.
