316 x 305
Band slots (CFM) on Clublog x LoTW
2306 x 2226

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Long awaited Amsterdam on 30M sorted!

Great success on 30M! Sunday night. After several attempts , hours waiting for my time , FT5ZM Amsterdam Island logged on 10Mhz! Great signal was so small , my dipole is weak for that direction , South - East is covered by buildings and hill and nothing better I can do .... but patience is for free .... plus some DX-Hunting skills as well ;) FT5ZM best signal on 30M has always aroung 16:00-17:00 UTC , real 559 in my location. But was almost impossible to break the east and south EU wall. Their Sunset is about 00:00 UTC , SWL` them on 30Mhz at 2:00 AM as well. In the evening amount of people making QRM on their QRG is massive. Is not a hobby any more.
Finally , last Sunday , time to go to bed soon. Work tomorrow. Last things sorted. Radio is on on their operating frequency. W3LPL robot skimmer is NOT SPOTTING FT5ZM on DX Cluster - UFF , half of the World is trying to work them on 14Mhz RTTY and here we go.... small, tiny signal FT5ZM, FT5ZM , FT5ZM .... without CQ without UP. But I knew it where to go to work them. UP 1.8 set and here we go ..... EI9KC EI9KC ..... received KC 599 , I was no sure , one more shot and reply was clear EI9KC EI9KC 599 73 EE! Happy days! Amsterdam on 30m in my log!

That night Ireland was battered by another storm , my dipole on 30M is damaged , must check soon what is wrong. Did great job for me. Has to be fixed!

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