316 x 305
Band slots (CFM) on Clublog x LoTW
2306 x 2226

Friday 15 January 2016

Repeated QSO with Palmyra K5P on 20M

K5P Palmyra

I had to repeat my QSO on 20M CW tonight with K5P Palmyra as I wasn`t able to find my station in the log. Last night 100% sure I`ve worked them on 20M CW. When log update was done - unfortunately EI9KC - not in log ... well no worries , many days left , opening in our location in the evening is solid and they are calling EU.

This is recording made on 20M CW

EI9KC in the K5P Palmyra`s log

Very happy with that. To be honest it will be hard to get something extra, Maybe 20SSB .... or 17  .... if they will start bit earlier on this band. We in EI might hear them on 17! 
Good Luck.


  1. Yesterday afternoon I saw them on the DX cluster but when on frequency could not hear a thing! Oh well maybe today or Sunday. Good luck with getting in the log…..maybe they are a little behind with entering calls in the log.
    Have a great weekend and 73

    1. Hi Mike. Good Luck with Palmyra. This is fine DX one of its kind. Much easier to work from NA than in EU in that conditions. Best Regards.
