316 x 305
Band slots (CFM) on Clublog x LoTW
2306 x 2226

Saturday, 16 April 2016

HF happenings

1) Botswana on the AIR! Thanks to A25UK I have two new bands needed from this DXCC - 30 and 12

2) FT4XU - Kergulen Island CFM on LoTW - great surprise , new DXCC , looking forward for paper QSL

3) V31YN - Gerd thank you for log re-search and upload my QSO again. 12M Belize CFM at last...

4) T8XX Ulf (DL5AXX) - thank you for LoTW upload your Palau 2012 DXpedition - 30M band new slot !

5) S0S - Western Sahara arrived on LoTW as new DXCC !
QSO made on 10M SSB during CQWW SSB ....

6) Later today S01WS

Western Sahara again - main log uploaded to LoTW !!! Almost all slots worked CFM by card already now on LoTW. Did not expect this DXCC to see on LoTW. Waiting only for 30M QSO to show-up there made in 2015 .....

6) V73D - Marshall Islands received on LoTW as well. 30M new band and also 20M SSB new on phone! Many thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice contacts and some very sharp QSL cards as well.....congrats.
    73, Mike
